Inspiration to Remain Faithful!

     Scotty and I are in a unique season of life that includes traveling to different parts of the nation each week to preach the Word. God has blessed! Every place we go there is something special about the people that we take with us in our hearts. And my favorite part is participating in what God is doing in high schools and universities, churches, conventions, and retreats.

     One specific place that stands out from our fall trips is the Billy Graham Retreat Center with the North Carolina AG Pastors. This was a weekend for the lead pastors to get away and be refreshed with one another as well as have time in the Lord's presence. God truly met us there and began a work. In addition, Scotty and I were encouraged, inspired, and challenged as we looked at the life of Billy Graham depicted on the campus. What a man of God with faithfulness!

     Many of you may have heard or be participating in the "My Hope America" outreach in homes November 7th created by the Billy Graham Association. This event as already reached millions in other countries and Billy is praying for a revival in America through people inviting those they personally know into their homes to view the program, eat, and chat about the Lord. All of that to say, since we were inspired to be as faithful in our ministry as Billy has been in his along with the promotion of this coming event which coincides with Billy's 95th birthday, I have made a video highlight of his life and our time there at The Cove. May you be motivated to stay strong until the end of your life as you watch his journey!

Click on the link below:
