Please stop all tasks and take heed! Please step away from the google search of every method and mindset. Drop the debit/credit cards and do not buy another piece of curriculum. Put the home schedule revision # 7 back in the cabinet. Stop laying awake at night in a panic as you revisit all the details of what needs to be done. Erase the plans you have drawn out to ban all co-ops due to resentment that you can't leave your children there while you get things done. Ignore all fears that you can't do this.

     Go ahead and cry. Let out your emotions. Scream out "I AM OVERWHELMED" at the top of your lungs in front of all your neighbors and friends if need be. Write your nay-sayers and acknowledge you know they don't think you can do this. Admit to your spouse that, although you do love the children, you have repeated thoughts of the old days where children were sent off to boarding school...and seemed to turn out fine, right? Right?

     You are not alone. This is universal! It's called "BACK TO SCHOOL". Also known as "the time of the year when mothers are trying to do what they feel is right for their family but it's hard and overwhelming and mindboggling and you second guess if just putting them on the bus wouldn't be such a bad idea after all..."

     Take a deep breath and repeat after me "IT IS OKAY. ALL HOMESCHOOL MOTHERS FEEL THIS.(Yes, I mean 100%. I mean, I haven't taken an international survey but I just know). I AM NOT ALONE. THIS IS NORMAL. NOTHING WORTH HAVING IS CHEAP. THIS IS COSTING ME SOMETHING BUT IT'S WORTH IT. I TRULY WANT THIS (If you can't say that one with confidence just go ahead and say it in faith.) IF GOD WANTS THIS FOR ME THEN I CAN DO IT! YES, THIS IS HARD BUT IT'S NOT THE FIRST THING I HAVE CONQUERED! I WILL FIGURE THIS OUT WITH GOD'S HELP!"

     Now then. How are you? Still second guessing yourself? Wondering how all this works? Think God picked the wrong family? In all seriousness, it's okay. I believe those who have gone before you have been there. I am in my 8th year of homeschooling and I feel this way every year we start. Even more so, sometimes I feel this in the middle of the year. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't do it. That doesn't mean I should give up. And you shouldn't either.

     "If God is for you, who can be against you?" Romans 8:31. No matter how you feel or what you are facing with the school year, you have nothing to worry about. Fighting for what you know God has for you isn't easy but He is with you. He is the One Who will give you supernatural guidance on what to do and what not to do as well as the when, how, and why answers. He is the source of life physically but also mentally as you make your way through the maze.

     There is peace. There is clarity. There is favor. There is wisdom. There is patience. There is joy. All of these are readily available to you from the Lord. I have personally experienced them all in my life with schooling my girls. There comes a point where you will settle in and get in a groove. It may take time (for some, lots of time...as in years) but you will with God's help.

     My first year I was a professional researcher spending most of my time meeting with ladies and asking questions but it did end up helping . My second year I revamped all I had tried the first year and felt better. My third year I realized a person doesn't need to buy a lot of extra bells and whistles to teach, so that saved money. My fourth year I accepted that maybe I do need a co-op, which relieved stress. My fifth year I admitted that teaching a true ADHD child was difficult so investing in a tutor didn't mean I was a failure. My sixth year I was clueless on the new English curriculum despite my college degree, so I worked as hard as my 4th grader only to discover we knew what we were doing by the second semester. My seventh year I realized how fast the years are going so I need to stay focused. And now we will begin our new year of school in about a week or two. But Every year gets better! I am loving it because I know there are challenges but God is for me and always, always, always helps me.

     As we have taken this journey, I have grown tremendously in my walk with the Lord. The challenges have caused me to truly seek Him. We have not regretted our decision to home educate. We understand it's not for all families and yet feel blessed it is for us. The results of our endurance and hard work has paid off 10x over in more areas than we could have imagined.

     So, as we end this emergency interruption...just know, you are okay, dear friend. God is with you.

     BEEP BEEP BEEP ... we now return to our regular scheduled life of adventure!


  1. Needed to hear that. I know she is young but I am starting the journey with my 2 year old and I am having all of those feelings so I am glad I saw your blog today. Also, I have a 5th grader who goes to NCA while I love the school, I was considering homeschooling her too. I wonder though at this point is she too old for me to do a such a big change in her life?

  2. Hi Amy! Thx for writing! It is not too late at all for your 5th grader! We have friends who started homeschool for their senior year! In all seriousness, you totally have time to do this. In my opinion it would be better to do it now before junior high hits and friends are more important which is harder to pull them away from simply because of the social aspect. It would be easier now as well because he curriculum will be easier to teach. Go for it if God is leading you.

  3. Hi Casey! My name is Heather! I was hoping you would be willing to answer a quick question I have about your blog :-) My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail.com

  4. Hi Heather! I would be happy to answer any questions. Please go to FB and message me there. Casey Gibbons Thx!

  5. Yes!!!! Very well written and good encouragement for myself and a lot of other homeschool moms I'm sure! Pretty much sums up my seven years of homeschooling! Many blessings to you, Casey!

  6. Thanks for the comments Stacey and Mom! You two know how it can be with schooling :-). Loved hearing from you

  7. Thank you so much, Casey. This is the second year I have homeschooled Abby. We love it, but it is definitely a struggle some days. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  8. One more thing. I have moved mostly to Alton, Mo to help my parents and they are helping me. But I have tried to find a co-op here and have no clue how to find it. We live near West Plains

  9. Gosh this was encouraging along with your talk at MOPS on Tuesday! I love knowing there are others struggling and that it IS indeed going to be ok. To be reminded that we can do anything through Christ who gives us strength is so uplifting. This is our first year homeschooling and I have a third grader pre K and two year old! Thanks again

  10. Thank you so much for this! I'm in the middle of having a 2 month old, a 5 year old, a third grader, and a 6 grader. I have been homeschooling for six years but the other night while I was nursing the baby I just felt so overwhelmed. Asking myself "what did I get myself into?" "I can't possibly homeschool and take care of a new baby!" The Lord knew I needed to read this! Thank you for this timely word. Even after doing this for six years I still need to remember He is over every aspect of our homeschool and to look to Him to be my strength in my weakness and to give myself grace in this season with a newborn! Thank you again!

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